Big Trash Animals

#urbanart [] ?? One of the most important series of Artur Bordalo, known as @b0rdalo_ii [] is the "Big Trash Animals&

A funkadelic band

@bootsy_collins [] and his funkadelic band for our section #popculture [] @tars8two []@le_funky_official [https:

"La Ferita"

Appearance of Palazzo Strozzi changes thanks to the intervention of @jr The site-specific work, entitled "La Ferita", offers a reflection on accessibility to places of culture in the era of Covid-19. Ph: @jr


For our section #urbanart we want to talk about a work of Portuguese @pantonio.o Ponentino, the famous breeze that refreshes Roman summers, gives the title to the murals located in the Tor Marancia district of Rome. @pantonio.o

“The Simpsons couch”

Swedish street artist @pappasparlortransforms cities into a 2D retro game. Pappas Parlor loves creating amazing pop scenes by transporting fictional characters into the real world.